While there's a lot of information about me on the internet and in my CV, here is a small autobiography for those who wish to get to know me a bit better.
I was born in April 1995, and for most of my life, wanted to get into the game industry and make games.
At age 6, I was diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. My family celebrated it, and said that "All it means is that your brain is wired a bit differently, you might take longer to do some things, but you'll still manage."
At the age of 11, I started attending a specialist autistic school. Before going, my confidence was at an all time low, and ever since going there, I've been hundreds of times happier, and millions of times more confident. I also developed skills I never thought I would have.

At 12, I took an interest in the furry fandom. I started to develop a fursona, a blue anthropomorphic fox, known as Fox Chaotica. I quickly adopted this name as a nickname.
At age 18, I finished attending the autistic school, and went to Cleveland College of Art and Design, where I had finally decided what I wanted to do. I had programming skills and an extensive knowledge of video games, as well as being persistant, and not giving up on my solidified dream.
Shortly after starting college, I legally changed my name to Fox Chaotica, after calling myself that for 6 years, and finished developing my fursona. 2 years later, I passed college, with a D*DD grade, and was accepted into Teesside University on the Computer Games Programming course, one step closer to achieving my dream.
In Nov 2015, I took a supervised Mensa test, and two weeks later, I recieved the results: a score of 130 [top 10%] on one test, and a score of 140 [top 1%] on the other. As such, I was invited to be a member of Mensa.
Since the start of 2016, I've developed my passion for retro gaming, and began collecting retro consoles and games. During 2017, I started streaming on Twitch.tv, with a channel i call "The Mainframe", showing off my impressive collection of games and consoles. on Apr 14 2018, I became a Twitch affiliate.
In Jun 2019, I released my first fully built solo game: Kryptic. I also passed my course at Teesside University, securing myself a BSc in Computer Games Programming.
In Oct 2019, I got a job with Tanglewood Games, and immediately started working alongside The Indie Stone on Project Zomboid. On August 2023, my contract with Tanglewood Games came to an end, and The Indie Stone offered me a new one to continue my work on Project Zomboid.

I firmly believe that life should be enjoyed as much as possible, and my attitude reflects that, being playful, and having a laugh whenever possible, while still being serious when needed. I love solving problems and puzzles, and always look for things to challenge my capabilities
I have dabbled a small bit in HTML, CSS and JavaScript in my time at college, and since starting university, learned and progressively sharpened my skills with C++ and C#. I would consider myself to have a high skill level, but I firmly believe that I can keep improving my skills, and welcome any chance to do so.